About Us

Photo of Theresa

It all started with jury duty.  During an exceptionally uninteresting case in Los Angeles, Theresa was drawn to watching the court reporter do her magic and started wondering what kind of training was required and how the heck that little machine worked.  Not long after, she moved to Portland, Oregon, in order to study court reporting, with a focus on real-time writing.  Two years later, she became a certified freelance reporter based out of Charleston, West Virginia.  Eventually, she relocated to Dallas, Texas, revamping her career into general transcription, and fell in love with it.

“When asked in high school what I wanted to do as a career, I said I wanted to be a professional student.  With transcription, that’s exactly what has happened.  I learn something new every day, and I know just enough about tons of subjects to be able to carry on a conversation about anything from recombinant DNA to Stanley Kubrick.”

Thanks to her mentor in Dallas, she was able to form TKP Transcription in 2019, and with a team of amazing colleagues, the company is off to a great start.  “We can’t wait to see what the future has in store.  There is still so much to learn and so many interesting subjects to explore!”